在这篇博文中,我们想使用群组相对策略优化 (GRPO) 和倒计时游戏重现 DeepSeek-R1 的小“顿悟时刻”。

Deepseek R1 的发布震惊了整个行业。为什么?因为 DeepSeek-R1 是一个开放模型,在复杂的推理任务中可以与 OpenAI 的 o1 相媲美,它使用群组相对策略优化 (GRPO) 和以强化学习为中心的多阶段训练方法引入。他们不仅发布了该模型,还发表了一篇关于他们如何做到这一点的研究论文。
在论文中,他们描述了使用纯强化学习训练模型时的“顿悟时刻”。在此阶段,DeepSeek-R1-Zero(DeepSeek-R1 的第一次测试)通过重新评估其初始方法,学会为问题分配更多的思考时间,而无需任何人工反馈或描述如何执行的数据。他们将此描述为“顿悟时刻”:
在这篇博文中,我们想使用群组相对策略优化 (GRPO) 和倒计时游戏重现 DeepSeek-R1 的小“顿悟时刻”。我们将使用强化学习训练一个开放模型,尝试教会它自我验证和搜索能力,以解决倒计时游戏。倒计时游戏是一个数字拼图游戏,玩家使用一组随机抽取的数字和基本算术运算(+、-、×、÷)来达到或尽可能接近目标数字。
Target Number: 952
Available Numbers: 25, 50, 75, 100, 3, 6
(100 × (3 × 3)) + (50 + 6 / 3) = 952
这篇博文包含一个交互式代码,你可以在 Jupyter Notebook 中运行该代码,了解如何使用 GRPO 和 Q-Lora 训练模型。这是学习如何使用 TRL 和 GRPO 的好方法,但它非常慢并且需要大量计算。此外,我添加了一个脚本和说明,以在具有多个 GPU 或 SLURM 集群的 Node 上运行训练。
注意:这篇博客的灵感来自 Jiayi Pan,他最初探索了这个想法并用一个小模型证明了它。
但在开始之前,让我们先看看组相对策略优化 (GRPO) 并了解它的工作原理。
1、组相对策略优化 (GRPO)
组相对策略优化 (GRPO) 是一种强化学习算法,用于提高 LLM 的推理能力。它是在 DeepSeekMath 论文中在数学推理的背景下引入的。GRPO 通过消除对价值函数模型的需求来修改传统的近端策略优化 (PPO)。相反,它根据组分数估计基线,从而减少内存使用量和计算开销。GRPO 现在也被 Qwen 团队使用,可以与基于规则/二进制的奖励以及通用奖励模型一起使用,以改进模型的实用性。
- 抽样:使用当前策略为每个提示生成多个输出
- 奖励评分:使用奖励函数对每一代进行评分,可以是(基于规则或基于结果)
- 优势计算:生成输出的平均奖励用作基线。然后相对于此基线计算组内每个解决方案的优势。奖励在组内标准化。
- 策略优化:该策略试图最大化 GRPO 目标,其中包括计算的优势和 KL 散度项。这与 PPO 在奖励中实现 KL 项的方式不同。

我们的第一步是安装 Hugging Face Libraries 和 Pytorch、vllm 以及 trl、transformers 和 datasets。如果你还没有听说过 trl,请不要担心。它是 transformers 和 datasets 之上的一个新库,可以更轻松地微调、rlhf、对齐开放 LLM。
# Install Pytorch & other libraries, make sure to match your GPU driver version
%pip install "torch==2.5.1" tensorboard "setuptools<71.0.0" --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
# Install flash-attn
%pip install flash-attn
# Install Hugging Face libraries
%pip install --upgrade \
"transformers==4.48.1" \
"datasets==3.1.0" \
"accelerate==1.3.0" \
"hf-transfer==0.1.9" \
"deepspeed==0.15.4" \
# install vLLM
%pip install "vllm==0.7.0"
## IMPORTANT: If you want to run the notebook and the interactive cells you also need to install the following libraries:
# But first read it the blog post and then decide as they might conflict with the libraries for distributed training.
# %pip install "peft==0.14.0" "bitsandbytes==0.45.0"
我们将使用 Hugging Face Hub 作为远程模型版本控制服务。这意味着我们将在训练期间自动将我们的模型、日志和信息推送到 Hub。ni 必须在 Hugging Face 上注册才能实现此目的。在你拥有帐户后,我们将使用 huggingface_hub 包中的登录实用程序登录我们的帐户并将我们的令牌(访问密钥)存储在磁盘上。
from huggingface_hub import login
login(token="", add_to_git_credential=True) # ADD YOUR TOKEN HERE
我们将使用 Jiayi-Pan/Countdown-Tasks-3to4 数据集,其中包含具有 3 到 4 个数字和解决方案的样本。
模型方面,我们将使用 Qwen/Qwen2.5-3B-Instruct ,这是一个 3B 参数指令调整模型。这使得展示“顿悟时刻”变得更加容易,因为它已经遵循提示格式。但你也可以使用 Qwen 的基本版本或其他模型。Jiayi-Pan 探索了模型需要具有一定的质量才能学习推理过程,从 > 1.5B 参数开始。
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from datasets import load_dataset
# Load dataset from Hugging Face Hub
dataset_id = "Jiayi-Pan/Countdown-Tasks-3to4"
dataset = load_dataset(dataset_id, split="train")
# select a random subset of 50k samples
dataset = dataset.shuffle(seed=42).select(range(50000))
# Load tokenizer from Hugging Face Hub to format the dataset to our "r1" prompt
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen2.5-3B-Instruct")
# gemerate r1 prompt with a prefix for the model to already start with the thinking process
def generate_r1_prompt(numbers, target):
r1_prefix = [{
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant. You first thinks about the reasoning process in the mind and then provides the user with the answer."
"role": "user",
"content": f"Using the numbers {numbers}, create an equation that equals {target}. You can use basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and each number can only be used once. Show your work in <think> </think> tags. And return the final equation and answer in <answer> </answer> tags, for example <answer> (1 + 2) / 3 = 1 </answer>."
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Let me solve this step by step.\n<think>"
return {"prompt": tokenizer.apply_chat_template(r1_prefix, tokenize=False, continue_final_message=True), "target": target}
# convert our dataset to the r1 prompt
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: generate_r1_prompt(x["nums"], x["target"]))
# split the dataset into train and test
train_test_split = dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.1)
train_dataset = train_test_split["train"]
test_dataset = train_test_split["test"]
3、使用 GRPO 训练模型(教育部分)
注意:第 3 节介绍了如何使用 TRL 和 GRPO 的基本知识。如果要运行交互式单元,则需要安装 bitsandbytes 和 peft,因为它们是 Trainer 类所必需的。本节主要用于教育目的。
TRL 通过专用的 GRPOTrainer 支持组相对策略优化 (GRPO),用于根据偏好数据对齐 LLM,如 DeepSeekMath:突破开放语言模型中数学推理的极限中所述。 GRPOTrainer 是 transformers 库中 Trainer 的子类,支持所有相同的功能,包括日志记录、检查点、分布式训练和参数高效微调 (PEFT)。
GRPOTrainer 支持通用结果奖励模型 (ORM) 和自定义奖励函数,可用于实现基于规则的奖励模型。在 Deepseek R1 论文中,他们实施了基于规则的奖励模型来验证生成的解决方案的正确性。在我们的示例中,我们将采用类似的方法,我们将创建 2 个奖励函数:
- 格式奖励:检查生成的格式是否正确
<think> [thinking] </think><answer> [answer] </answer>
- 准确度奖励:从
注意:我们示例中的正确 <answer>
:<answer> 55 + 36 - 7 - 19 </answer>
import re
def format_reward_func(completions, target, **kwargs):
Format: <think>...</think><answer>...</answer>
completions (list[str]): Generated outputs
target (list[str]): Expected answers
list[float]: Reward scores
rewards = []
for completion, gt in zip(completions, target):
# add synthetic <think> as its already part of the prompt and prefilled for the assistant to more easily match the regex
completion = "<think>" + completion
# Check if the format is correct
regex = r"^<think>([^<]*(?:<(?!/?think>)[^<]*)*)<\/think>\n<answer>([\s\S]*?)<\/answer>$"
match = re.search(regex, completion, re.DOTALL)
# if the format is not correct, reward is 0
if match is None or len(match.groups()) != 2:
except Exception:
return rewards
def equation_reward_func(completions, target, nums, **kwargs):
Evaluates completions based on:
2. Mathematical correctness of the answer
completions (list[str]): Generated outputs
target (list[str]): Expected answers
nums (list[str]): Available numbers
list[float]: Reward scores
rewards = []
for completion, gt, numbers in zip(completions, target, nums):
# add synthetic <think> as its already part of the prompt and prefilled for the assistant to more easily match the regex
completion = "<think>" + completion
# Check if the format is correct
match = re.search(r"<answer>(.*?)<\/answer>", completion)
if match is None:
# Extract the "answer" part from the completion
equation = match.group(1).strip()
# Extract all numbers from the equation
used_numbers = [int(n) for n in re.findall(r'\d+', equation)]
# Check if all numbers are used exactly once
if sorted(used_numbers) != sorted(numbers):
# Define a regex pattern that only allows numbers, operators, parentheses, and whitespace
allowed_pattern = r'^[\d+\-*/().\s]+$'
if not re.match(allowed_pattern, equation):
# Evaluate the equation with restricted globals and locals
result = eval(equation, {"__builtins__": None}, {})
# Check if the equation is correct and matches the ground truth
if abs(float(result) - float(gt)) < 1e-5:
except Exception:
# If evaluation fails, reward is 0
return rewards
注意:没有一个示例以 <think>
correct_sample_1 = """We need to find an equation using the numbers 19, 36, 55, and 7
exactly once, with basic arithmetic operations, that equals 65. One possible
combination is 55 + 36 - 19 + 7... </think>
<answer> 55 + 36 - 7 - 19 </answer>"""
correct_sample_2 = """ ... </think>
<answer> 55 + 36 - 7 - 19 </answer>"""
wrong_format = """User: Using the numbers [19, 36, 55, 7], create an equation that equals 65."""
wrong_format_2 = """To find the equation that equals 79 using the numbers 95, 78, 6, 88, I'll start by adding 88 and 95:
95 + 88 = 183
Now, let's subtract 104 from 183 to get 79:
183 - 104 = 79
<think> 183 - 104 = 79 </think><think> 183 - 104 = 79 </think><answer> 183 - 104 = 79 </answer>"""
wrong_result = """ ... </think>
<answer> 55 + 36 - 7 - 18 </answer>"""
test_rewards = format_reward_func(completions=[correct_sample_1, correct_sample_2, wrong_format, wrong_format_2, wrong_result], target=["65", "65", "65", "65", "65"], nums=[[19, 36, 55, 7]] * 5)
assert test_rewards == [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "Reward function is not working"
test_rewards = equation_reward_func(completions=[correct_sample_1, correct_sample_2, wrong_format, wrong_format_2, wrong_result], target=["65", "65", "65", "65", "65"], nums=[[19, 36, 55, 7]] * 5)
assert test_rewards == [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Reward function is not working"
from trl import GRPOConfig, GRPOTrainer, get_peft_config, ModelConfig
# our model we are going to use as policy
model_config = ModelConfig(
# Hyperparameters
training_args = GRPOConfig(
gradient_checkpointing_kwargs={"use_reentrant": False},
# GRPO specific parameters
max_completion_length=1024, # max length of the generated output for our solution
trainer = GRPOTrainer(
reward_funcs=[format_reward_func, equation_reward_func],
注意:强化训练非常慢且计算量大。使用 Q-LoRA 在 1x L4 上运行单个步骤,批次大小为 1,每个样本仅生成 2 代,需要 20 多分钟。
# Train and push the model to the Hub
# Save model
4、Deepspeed+vLLM GRPO分布训练示例
每个步骤超过 20 分钟且每个样本仅生成 2 代是不可行的。我们需要扩大我们的训练规模。Hugging Face TRL 增加了使用 Deepspeed 进行分布式训练和使用 vLLM 进行更快生成的支持。我准备了一个 run_r1_grpo.py 脚本和一个 receipes/grpo-qwen-2.5-3b-deepseek-r1-countdown.yaml 配置文件来运行训练。
此配置在具有 4x H100 80GB 的节点上进行了测试和验证,其中单个步骤大约需要 45-60 秒,因为我们可以利用 vLLM 进行生成并利用 DeepSpeed 进行分布式训练。因此,我们需要确保将 num_processes 正确设置为你拥有的 GPU 数量 - 1,因为最后一个将与 vLLM 一起用于生成。如果你使用更多 GPU,则需要将配置文件中的 vllm_device 更改为最后一个索引 GPU,例如,如果你有 8 个 GPU,则需要将 vllm_device=7 并将 num_processes 设置为 7。
accelerate launch --num_processes 3 --config_file configs/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero3.yaml scripts/run_r1_grpo.py --config receipes/grpo-qwen-2.5-3b-deepseek-r1-countdown.yaml
通过优化的分布式训练,在 4x H100 80GB 上,每个样本 8 代的单个步骤大约需要 45-60 秒。450 步的完整训练大约需要 6 个小时。
脚本将随机完成保存到completion_samples 文件夹,你可以使用它来检查模型的进度。它包括completion_samples.txt 和success_completion_samples.txt。completion_samples.txt 包含所有完成,而success_completion_samples.txt 正确求解方程。你可以在下面找到关于性能如何随时间变化的有趣训练观察,以及 Tensornoard 日志和成功的推理样本。
可以在 philschmid/qwen-2.5-3b-r1-countdown 找到每 25 步检查点的模型。
5.1 超参数
我开始使用 DeepSeekMath 论文中的超参数进行实验,学习率为 1e-6,beta(KL 系数)为 0.04,这导致在大约 150 步后训练运行不稳定。我进行了一些小的调整,并根据 OpenRLHF 的测试将学习率降低到 5e-7,将 beta 降低到 0.001。我无法测试将 num_generations
从 8 增加到 64 会对训练产生什么影响。64 是代值,在 DeepSeekMath 论文中使用过。所有其他参数都可以在 grpo-qwen-2.5-3b-deepseek-r1-countdown.yaml 配置文件中找到。
5.2 训练观察
- 在 ~50 步时,模型已经学会了正确的格式
。 - 在 100 步时,解方程的成功率约为 25%。该模型开始用单词“推理”,见下面的示例。
- 在 200 步时,性能似乎收敛得慢得多,成功率约为 40%。该模型开始学习一种新的“格式”,它以类似于你以编程方式解决方程的方式解决方程,通过尝试不同的组合并查看结果,请参阅“步骤 200 和 450 之间的成功推理示例”。
- 在 450 步时,我们解决方程的成功率为 50%。性能仍然在缓慢提高,模型保持了从步骤 200 开始的新格式形式。
我有 3 个可能的假设,说明为什么模型从“单词推理”转变为“编程执行”:
- Qwen 2.5 3B 不够强或太小,Deepseek 提到你需要一个非常强大的基础模型。
- 奖励函数定义得不够好,它会奖励破解模型来解方程。我们可以尝试强制它使用单词,例如具有数字到词频的条件。 (我们对 Deepseek 的奖励函数了解不多)
- 仅对倒计时游戏任务进行训练可能会迫使模型自然地学习最有效的解方程方法,因为不需要其他格式。
- 我们对模型的训练时间不够长,在 R1 论文中,他们展示了超过 8000 步的训练视觉效果。
Tensorboard 结果

成功推理示例,最多 200 步:
<think> First, I need to think about the numbers we have: 14, 70, and 80. To get 85, I think 80 might be a good starting point because it's right in between 85. If I subtract or add 80, it won't lead to 85 easily. Next, 70 seems to be a good intermediate number, especially to use in conjunction with 14.
Now, I can think about different combinations using addition, subtraction and multiplication/division. If I take 80 - 70 = 10, which is not needed. So, I need to find a way to use 14. If I subtract 14 from 80, I get 66, which still isn't 85. If I subtract 70 from 80, I get 10 again, this isn't constructive yet.
Multiplication could create numbers larger than the target 85. Let's consider division: If I divide 70 by 14, I get 5. Then if I add this result to 80, I get 85. This combination seems promising: 80 - (70 / 14) = 80 - 5 = 75, this still isn't quite right. Let me correct my approach: Let's use division and then addition. If I take 80 / (70 / 14) → 80 / 5 = 16, and then 80 - 16 = 64, still incorrect. Let me simplify: 80 / (70 / 14) → 80 / 5 = 16, and then 80 - 16 gives 64 again, let me correct: 80 - (70 / 14) → 80 - 5 = 75, but I need 85. Thus I will use the combinations in a slightly different order to insert numbers: I get 80 + (70 / 14) = 80 + 5 = 85</think>
<answer> 80 + (70 / 14) </answer>
<think> First, I need to consider how I can use the numbers 1, 21, and 90 to reach 68. I can try different combinations of operations. Let's try to use subtraction and addition. If I subtract 90 from 21, I get -69, which is too far from 68. Now, if I add 1 to 90, I get 91, which is also not right. Another way is to see what happens if I subtract 21 from 90, which gives me 69. This is closer but still not 68. Let me use multiplication instead of subtraction. 90 * 1 = 90. Now, if I try to reduce this slightly by subtracting 21, I am not getting close to 68.
Now, let's try another multiplication. I'll think of 1 * (larger value) + (smaller value). Let's try 1 * 90 + 21. This evaluates to 90 + 21 = 111, which is too much. Instead, I will try: 90 / 1 + 21 - 7. But this gives a division by 7, which seems complex. Let's re-evaluate: I'll use 1 to divide 21: 21 / 1 = 21. Now, subtract 21 from 90, and add 1, we have 90 - 21 = 69, using one...
Hey, wait on re-evaluating I will subtract 21 from 90, and include 1 to complete the solution: 90 - (21 + 1) which would be 68.</think>
<answer> 90 - (21 + 1) </answer>
<think> First, I need to consider the numbers we have: 59, 80, and 66. I need to use these numbers to get 45. Let's try to use subtraction first since it can quickly reduce large numbers.
Let's see if we can get close by subtracting or adding these numbers. If I subtract 66 from 80, I get 14. Then I need to make this 14 equal 45 when combined with 59. That gives me 14 + 59 = 73, which is too high.
Now let's try adding numbers. If I add 59 and 66, I get 125. Then I would need to subtract 80 from 125 to get 45, but 80 is too large to fit well with this.
Let me try a different approach. What if I subtract 66 from 80 first and then add 59? That would be 14 + 59 = 73, which is still not 45.
Hmm, I need to think of another combination. What if I start with 59 and then add 80 and subtract 66? That would be (59 + 80) - 66, let me calculate it. That equals 139 - 66, which is 73.
That's still not 45, so let me try rearranging it slightly: maybe 80 - 66 + 59 would be closer to 45. Calculating again: 80 - 66 is 14, then adding 59 gives 73.
This way doesn't work either. Let's flip this: maybe (59 + 66) - 80. Let me check: that's 125 - 80, which equals 45.</think>
<answer>(59 + 66) - 80</answer>
<think> First, I need to find a combination of the numbers 61, 4, 94, and 21 that can be manipulated using basic arithmetic operations to equal 50. One way to approach this is to look for numbers that can be used to reach a target number close to 50 and then adjust with the remaining numbers.
Let's try combining 94 and 21 first:
94 + 21 = 115
Now, we need to get from 115 to 50. We can try subtracting 65:
115 - 65 = 50
Now we need to find a way to get 65 using the remaining numbers 61 and 4. We can try:
61 - 4 = 57
Now we need to get from 57 to 65. Adding 8 would give us that:
57 + 8 = 65
So, we need to find a way to get 8 using 61 and 4. We can try:
61 - 94 = -36
This is negative, so let's try dividing:
61 / 94 = 0.648987...
This is not helping, so let's try multiplication and division in a different way:
(61 - 4) * (94 / 21) = 57 * 4.476... = 254.4
This is not working either. Let's try a different approach:
(94 - 61) = 33
Now we have:
33 + 21 = 54
We need to adjust from 54 to 50, so we can:
54 - 4 = 50
So, the equation becomes:
(94 - 61) + (21 - 4) = 50
<answer>(94 - 61) + (21 - 4)</answer>
<think> First, I'll consider the possibility of directly subtracting two numbers to get close to 31. If I subtract 57 from 63, I get 7. Now, if I subtract this 7 from 25, I get 25 - 7 = 18. Far from 31, so this doesn't work.
Next, let's try adding and subtracting. Dividing 63 by 25 will give a decimal, so that's unlikely to work. Now, let's see if adding and subtracting in another order could work. For example, let's try 63 - 25, and then we see this gets us 38. Now, we need a way to get to 31 from here. Subtracting 7 from 38 would work, but we can't figure out how to create that 7 from the given numbers.
Hmm, let me try to incorporate all numbers by adding and subtracting. If I try 63 + 25, I get 88. This is quite far from 31, but if 88 - 57, I get 31 exactly!
This seems to be the equation: 63 + 25 - 57 equals 31.
<answer> 63 + 25 - 57 </answer>
步骤 200 至 450 之间的成功推理示例
<think> We need to use the numbers 39, 16, and 55 with basic arithmetic operations to get 78. Let's try different combinations:
- 55 + 39 - 16 = 84 - 16 = 68 (too low)
- 55 + 16 - 39 = 71 - 39 = 32 (too low)
- 55 - 16 + 39 = 39 + 39 = 78 (this works)
So, the equation is 55 - 16 + 39 = 78. </think>
<answer> 55 - 16 + 39 </answer>
<think> We need to use the numbers 21, 5, and 40 with basic arithmetic operations to get 24. Let's try different combinations:
- 21 - 5 - 40 = -15
- 21 - 5 + 40 = 56
- 21 + 5 - 40 = -14
- 21 * 5 / 40 = 2.1 (not an integer, let's try another)
- 40 * 5 / 21 = 9.52 (not 24)
- 40 / 5 - 21 = 9 - 21 = -12
- 5 * 40 / 21 = 100 / 21 ~= 4.76 (not 24)
- 5 + 40 - 21 = 24 ! This works.
<answer> 5 + 40 - 21 </answer>
<think> We need to use the numbers 75, 99, 62, and 34 with basic arithmetic operations to get 72. Let's try different combinations:
- 99 - 75 + 62 - 34 = 92 - 34 = 58 (too high)
- 99 - 75 - 62 + 34 = 24 - 62 + 34 = -38 + 34 = -4 (too low)
- 99 + 75 - 62 - 34 = 174 - 96 = 78 (too high)
- 99 + 75 - 62 + 34 = 174 + 34 - 62 = 208 - 62 = 146 (too high)
- 99 - 75 + 62 + 34 = 24 + 96 = 120 (too high)
- 75 + 99 - 62 - 34 = 174 - 96 = 78 (too high)
- 75 + 99 - 62 + 34 = 174 + 34 - 62 = 208 - 62 = 146 (too high)
- 75 + 62 - 99 + 34 = 137 - 99 + 34 = 38 + 34 = 72
So, 75 + 62 - 99 + 34 equals 72.
<answer> 75 + 62 - 99 + 34 </answer>
DeepSeek R1 及其研究论文的发布可能是开放科学和开源开发的转折点。DeepSeek 发布仅一周后,我们就能够使用 GRPO 和倒计时游戏重现 R1 学习“推理”的简单版本。虽然我们的实现侧重于特定任务,而不是一般推理和收敛到非常具体的“推理”格式,但它表明该方法是有效的。
在我们的迷你 R1 实验中,我们使用了 GRPO,有两个基于规则的奖励,但已经需要大量计算:4 个 H100 GPU 运行 6 小时,在 3B 参数模型上仅完成 450 个训练步骤。这让我们了解了扩展强化学习所需的计算需求。Deepseek 运行了一个 671B 模型,超过 8000 个步骤,他们可能做了很多消融。
展望 2025 年,很明显我们正处于更大进步的风口浪尖。 RL 将变得更加易于使用和用户友好,更多的研究人员和开发人员将探索其潜力,但与以前相比,与监督微调相比,也需要更多的计算量。
原文链接:Mini-R1: Reproduce Deepseek R1 „aha moment“ a RL tutorial