"stay foolish" 转换为单词首字母大写: "Stay Foolish". Cannot pass.


import {Component} from "angular2/core"; import {bootstrap} from "angular2/platform/browser";

@Component({ selector:"ez-app", template:`
<h1>管道级联</h1> <p>{{ (text | slice:0:20 | uppercase) + "..." }}</p>

    &lt;p>{{ (text1 | slice:0:1 | uppercase) + (text1 | slice:1:4)+ " " + (text1 | slice:5:6 | uppercase) + (text1 | slice:6:12)}}&lt;/p>

}) class EzApp{ constructor(){ this.text = Next we demonstrate this pipe in a test component whose template defines two bindings;

    this.text1 = `stay foolish`;




The output is Stay Foolish, but cannot pass and go to next chapter